An unmatched solution in Hungary

You place it, install it and enjoy it.

Influence your mood, your performance and your efficient work with the hypoallergenic, environment-, family- and animal-friendly Aero, which represents elegance, and uses the revolutionary, new AirQ technology.
Your days with pleasant scents.

A revolutionary new technological solution for the everyday fragrance experience

Buy Aera for Business in our webshop or store now, and perfume your office or store with a pleasant scent.

There may be a place in the world that you especially love the smell of. It acts on you like an emotional bomb to the bone. Where you gathered wonderful memories; it can be the sandy scent of the beach, the feeling of cleanliness, a spa facility, the room of your working place or your own beautician.
The scent is like an old photograph, it evokes emotions
reminds you and recalls memories.
This is because most of the information reaches our subconscious through the sense of smell and affects our mood, abilities, behavior and memories. What we think of something. We remember scents for longer and more vividly than any other stimulus.

You remember what you smell

The perception of smell is in the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions and memories: the amygdala and the hippocampus.

This is why smell is mostly to blame for our emotions, which is strongly tied to our memory. Scents evoke associations, and they create attachment in us even in our subconscious.
You can turn all this to your own advantage.

Influence the atmosphere of the room more effectively than ever

Scents evoke feelings in us. This is science. If you feel good somewhere, you will perform better there, you will be happier and more cheerful.

With a personalized ambient scent, a room can stand out from the others, and whenever you smell it, emotions will immediately overwhelm you. Smell has the greatest mood-influencing and performance-influencing effect among all of our senses.

Do you long for a pleasant scent a little differently?

How about trying something revolutionary in addition to air fresheners and scented candles?

  • Which has full coverage even over larger areas. Optionally, you could use it to fill larger rooms with scent.
  • Which you can trust because its chemical composition does not change during usage and therefore it does not cause irritation.
  • Which is extremely cost effective.
  • Which requires no maintenance, refilling or cleaning.
  • In which you can change the scent based on your mood at any time.

With which your own room will have a unique scent

  • Which isharmless, free of harmful substances.
  • Which is alsosafe for children and pets.
  • Which ishypoallergenic, so those suffering from allergies can safely use it.
  • Which is a sustainable and economical solution for the long term as well.
  • Which gives you 100% effect even after more than 30 days or 800 hours of use , especially if you don’t waste the scent when there is no-one at the room.
  • Which ensures even coverage all over the area: its micro droplet technology converts the liquid scent into invisible aromatic molecules, allowing them to be evenly distributed with the natural airflow of the room.
  • Which takes up little space and is well designed: its beautiful finish can also be a means of furnishing the room.

You can finally spend your day in rooms that
smells like a spa or a fragrant luxury hotel.

When you walk in through the front door, you can smell a beautiful spa instead of the frowzy smell of a stale room. You will smell the freshness all the way from one side of the room or building to the other. Check out to what tens of thousands of people have changed their previous methods of perfuming.

TOP 6 reasons why you will love Aera Touch

The same scent on every square meter

With its even coverage, it fills the room in seconds with a delicate, pleasant scent.

More than 30 days of fragrance with a single setup

It lasts nearly 10 times longer than a larger scented candle. You set it up and then you have nothing to do for more than a month.

The same scent on the first and the last day of use

The scent does not change or fade over time. You will enjoy the same thing on up to day 100 as you did on the first.

Hypoallergenic, safe and requires no maintenance

You only need to use it without any kind of cleaning or handling fragmentation. It contains high quality fragrances and essential oils from 100% ethical and sustainable sources.

Your choice will not last forever

You can have several different scents at a time, which you can swap. You can choose from complete fragrance compositions. Is your day stressful or are you not focused? Choose a fragrance.

It's made for you, from the heart

It was designed by perfume masters. With safe and effective fragrance systems from a manufacturer supplying 83 countries around the world. With their own patented technology, you can achieve a cleaner and more economical fragrance.


Why does it have such a pleasant and unique smell?

Other diffusers release the components in order of volatility. Aera for Business, on the other hand, releases its ingredients all at once, mixing them with the air, multiplying them into millions of scent molecules, giving you an evenly distributed, fantastic scent.

Believe us,
we're not kidding

Do you like pleasant scents? As the saying goes, if you have a nose to it, you will use it up to 24 hours a day. Aera for Business is an innovative fragrance device, which will change your days.
Have your own scent.


Breathe in, breathe out, experience it

Aera for Business Diffuser

Cleaner, safer,
even more fascinating.
Revolutionary space air freshener.

  • Fragrant air space at the touch of a button: suitable for perfuming a room of up to 93 square meters.
  • Cost-effective: adjustable between levels 1 and 10, for small, medium or large rooms.
  • You can use it with peace of mind: hypoallergenic fragrance technology, safe for your family and animals as well.
  • The same scent every day, for up to weeks: a stable, long-lasting scent for up to 800 hours.
  • Fragrance capsules can be purchased separately.

Using Aera for Business in
3 easy steps

Connect the diffuser to the mains

Put a fragrance in Aera for Business

Experience the immediate and invisible power of fragrances

Who is Aera for Business most ideal for?

At home offices – freshness in your own office

The scent becomes a part of everyday life. Pleasant, even scent throughout the entire office, without stale air or base odors. Safely, allergen-free.

Beauty providers - unique fragrances

We remember a scent for a longer time and more vividly than any other stimulus from our environment. Elegant, friendly, energizing places have a scent. It soothes and helps with relaxation or concentration.

Demanding private practices - pleasant atmosphere

Enhancing the customer experience and creating a positive impression. A fragrance can positively influence a customer’s decision. This is because the scent affects the experience and may reduce stress. Customers prefer to return to a fragrant environment.

Salons, business premises - up to
93 square meters

As a brand association, positive and lasting experiences can be created in people’s minds with the help of a fragrance that makes customers smile and buy again and again. It influences the customers' behavior through an emotional connection.

It is not harmful to Pets; however, it is dangerous to odors

The Aera for Business diffuser is animal friendly but not odor friendly; it neutralizes even the most stubborn unpleasant odors of pets and refreshes your home working place. It is hypoallergenic and safe. You will feel as good as a dog.
Remove "typical" base odors.
Enjoy the pet-friendly and pleasant-smelling room.


The language of perfume speaks through the channel of emotions in the brain

All this is performed in an environmentally friendly way

Prolitec implements fresh air, already having more than 40,000 diffusers and 30,000 users on the market. Its innovative micro drop fragrance technology covers the air with a regular, evenly distributed scent. It is this hypoallergenic dispersion technology that makes Aera for Business durable and reliable. The micro droplets behave as dry vapor and, because of their nearly one micron size, they disperse rapidly in the air, and leave no trace elements behind; their chemical composition remains unchanged.

All day in a pleasantly scented, yet safe environment

Fragrance particles are released into the air without propellants and by-products that are harmful to the environment or your health. Prolitec only uses raw materials from sustainable sources during the production of fragrances.

Implementers of luxury quality fragrances

Exclusive products, which you cannot get in stores
designed by perfumers

White tea

The refreshing infusion of white tea, jasmine and wild rose, elegantly embraces serene countryside landscapes, complemented by citrus and aromatic thyme.



Smooth and sensual like suede. The woody notes of eucalyptus, vetiver and guaiac create a mystical atmosphere.



A happy, relaxing day at the spa. A bright and invigorating fragrance combination with a couple of sparkling lemon and orange and a soft cedar tree.



A heartwarming, romantic balance created by a trio of iris, bergamot and amber. Traces of vanilla emerge from the floral notes of iris and red honeysuckle.


Anti stress

Chamomile, which is known for its calming effect, mixed with the relaxing freshness of bitter orange. The bitter orange extracted from the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree gives it an earthy look, warmed by the deep and mysterious notes of incense. It creates a peaceful location for work, relaxing or playing.


Easy breathing

Eucalyptus, known for its soothing effects when inhaled, is the basis of this uplifting scent. The mind-clearing feeling is created by a further blend of tea tree oil and pine. The perfect harmony of the features elevates the moment and clears your head with a breath of fresh air.


Find your
own scent.


A nose is always honest…
…because it very clearly remembers everything

Customer Reviews - More and more feedback is coming in

What awaits you with the Prolitec Aera for Business Diffuser?

Every day is a fragrance experience, which suits your mood and your needed performance. You will need to get used to constantly explaining why your office or business is so pleasantly fragrant because everyone will ask you about it. With Aera for Business, your environment will be completely yours, from the furniture to the scent.