Portus Cale White Crane fragrant sachet
Castelbel / Portugal | Portus Cale White Crane fragrant sachetThe White Crane Sachet is filled with Portuguese cork, a patented
Castelbel technology, that ensures a long-lasting perfume. Each sachet
is decorated with delicate colours and images of cranes, full of
exquisite details adorned with gold foil.
A scent reminiscent of
the charms of the East is the aroma chosen for this sachet – a serene
blend of citrusy Yuzu with the earthen vitality of Vetiver and juicy
undernotes of Mandarin that imparts fragrant tranquillity on your
clothes, leaving them feeling fresh & extra comfy. For drawers or
Product: Portus Cale White Crane fragrant sachet
Category: Textil Aromatizers into Closet, Bag, on Bracket
Product code: C2-2710
EAN: 190577227105
Használati útmutató: Textil Aromatizers into Closet, Bag, on Bracket